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All books using the keywords: Suhail Rafidi

Cetus Finalis: A Gray Whale Odyssey Suhail Rafidi
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Watership Down for whales." - Ben Loory In Cetus Finalis, all the characters are whales. Everything happens underwater. And to honor whale song, all of the whale dialogue is rendered in poetry. Enjoy this wonderful, otherworldly tale of journey and song. From the back cover: "One winter, a female pod of Atlantic gray whales find themselves alone at the equatorial mating grounds. Searching for their absent bulls, they quest through a submarine world ringing with the ancient calls of mysterious leviathans."
TJ & Tosc Suhail Rafidi
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780988338906
DISCOVER THE TALE of Salvador Tosc, an artificial intelligence who was once a human being. Long ago, he was invasively scanned into an optical computer as an act of murder. Generations later, Salvador enlists the aid of his great- grandson, Raymond, to help exact revenge on the cartel responsible. Read TJ & Tosc and enter a futurist world of cybernetic warfare and genetic engineering, where endearing characters reveal the nuances of love, knowledge of self, and the power of mind.