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All books using the keywords: Stephen Gaimari

Abstracts Volume - 10th International Congress of Dipterology Stephen Gaimari
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The International Congresses of Dipterology have been consistently held every four years since the First one in 1986 held in Budapest. This Tenth congress has broken that mold, being postponed for a year due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. Although this extra year has seen a great improvement in this regard worldwide, certain factors have led to this being the smallest (I say coziest) one yet. Our delegation consists of 200 dipterists, 48 of which are students, from 35 countries from all continents except Antarctica (unfortunately no one came who could collect Belgica antarctica in their backyard). This volume consists of 222 abstracts. The 190 oral presentations are arranged into 20 sy ...
Program - 10th International Congress of Dipterology Stephen Gaimari
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This is the scientific program of the 10th International Congress of Dipterology, held in Reno, Nevada, USA, from 16-21 July 2023. The program consists of 20 symposia and a General session, five plenary addresses (one each day), a Book Launch event (Tuesday evening), a Congress banquet address (Wednesday evening), and a Poster session (Wednesday and Thursday). Besides the list of talks and the schedule of events, there is a list of registered delegates and accompanying persons.