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All books using the keywords: Stancer Novak Young

The Untold Story: What The Beauty Industry Hopes You Will Never Figure Out Stancer Novak Young
Books with a 4 star rating(22)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"The Most thought provoking autobiographical expose' you will ever read on the Beauty and Fashion Industry ". Novak Young uses his 40 plus years of experience in the beauty and fashion industry as the foundation to carefully analyze the secrets in the industry you were never to figure out. This critically acclaimed and provocative book, discloses the sublime and subconscious control that the beauty and fashion industry has perpetrated on all of our lives. Novak Young is a former International model and make-up artist who worked with national brands, served as a personal stylist among the most affluent markets in the nation, a board Certified Cosmetologist and former salon owner. He is ...