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All books using the keywords: Skipper Knudson

Moon Journal Skipper Knudson
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 7" x 10"
Binding: Spiral Bound
A super easy and laid-back practice that slots right into your busy schedule—just twice a month. It's a beautiful way to keep tabs on your intentions, track your progress, and live a little more in sync with nature. At your finger tips you've got some astrology info for each new and full moon. There are prompts (and two blank pages per new/full) for journaling, gratitude statements to say to your body, and intentions for each new and full moon, plus a couple Spotify playlists to help you create a solid practice of "intent, and release". Dated for all the new and full moons from July 2023 to December 2024, it also has a couple dozen practical reference pages to help you understand b ...