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All books using the keywords: Shynikid

Until You’re Home: Jeon-Listment Journal Sheena Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is number six in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our Bunny. If you or the Kookie-bias in your life needs a way to pass the time while your man is in the military, check it out. I hope that it helps you pick up new hobbies like our Golden Maknae and out of trouble, while also reminding you to take time for yourself, easy-peasy lemon-squeezy style. Let’s Get It. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few months have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track h ...
Until You’re HOME: a-RM- y Enlistment Journal Sheena Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is the fourth in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our President. If you or the Namjoon-bias in your life needs a way to pass the time while your man is in the military, check it out. I hope that it reminds you to take some time to explore the world, both inside your head and out in nature, just like our Joonie. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few months have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track how we’re using their time away as a space to learn ...
Until You’re Home: Hope-Listment Journal Sheena Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is the third installment in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our Hope. If you or the Hobi-bias in your life needs a little pick me up while he’s gone, please give it a looksie. I hope that helps you look forward to the sunshine, especially when it is raining. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few months have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track how we’re using their time away as a space to learn to “Speak/LOVE Yourself” more and as a little countdo ...
Until You’re Home: JiminLitary Countdown Journal Sheena Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is number five in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our Angel. If you or the Chimmy-bias in your life needs a way to pass the time while your man is in the military, check it out. I hope that it reminds you to be your light and to take some time to be the Jimin you wish to see in the world. Stay safe, lovelies. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few months have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track how we’re using their time away as a space to learn ...
Until You’re Home: Jin-Listment Journal Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is the first in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our Seokjinnie. If you or the Jin-bias in your life needs a coping tool, check it out. I hope that it brings you comfort and maybe even a little joy. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few weeks have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track how we’re using their time away as a space to learn to “Speak/LOVE Yourself” more and as a little countdown to when they come HOME to us. It’s a mix of journal prompts ...
Until You’re HOME: Min-Litary Countdown Journal Shynikid
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This is the second in the “Until You’re HOME” series dedicated to Our Lil’ Meow Meow. If you or the Yoongi-bias in your life needs a coping tool, check it out. I hope that it reminds you that you are a boss and that it might be a little bit of good trouble. . . . * . * . * . * . * . * . . . . Hi ARMY! If you’re anything like me, the past few months have been rough. With the news that Our Boys would be enlisting, it really hit home just how much we would miss them, so I made this for us. It’s a weekly journal to help us process some emotions, track how we’re using their time away as a space to learn to “Speak/LOVE Yourself” more and as a little countdown to when they co ...