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All books using the keywords: Shanreca Crawford-Benjamin

Kids Love Money They Just Don’t Understand It™️ Money Management Edition Shanreca Crawford-Benjamin
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890902566
Embark on a journey of financial literacy with "The Savings Edition," a compelling and insightful book designed to introduce kids to the essential concept of saving money. Authored with clarity and care, this book serves as a crucial starting point for young minds to grasp the importance of managing finances from an early age. In a world where financial education is paramount, "The Savings Edition" takes young readers on a captivating exploration of the saving process. Whether the ultimate objective is spending wisely or making strategic investments, this book lays the foundation for understanding the power of saving, regardless of the end goal. This engaging and informative guide ...