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All books using the keywords: Scott Woodard

The Adventurous Soul Scott Woodard
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637904084
The Astronauts were in the middle of installing a new cooling unit on the American side of the station. Before the next task, Joanne took a minute to look at the Earth as it went by underneath her. It was her first spacewalk. After a short time, she decided to get back to work. As she did, something bright reflecting the sun caught her eye. “Conrad, do you see it?” she asked. “Yes, I do. What do you think it is?” Conrad inquired. “Houston, something is coming towards us aft of the station. Do you see anything on the screen?” Richard turned the cameras on it. “It is aft and a little below us,” he answered. “Okay, got it. Houston, we have company. My God, it's a ship! What is going o ...