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All books using the keywords: SHAKAR BRUMFIELD

Missing Honesty Integrity Transparency I: Thoughts, Social Media Writings & Posts of Shakar K. Brumfield SHAKAR BRUMFIELD
Books with a 3 star rating(3)
Size: 7.5" x 7.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Honesty, Integrity and Transparency are certainly missing in our society today. Over the past few years, I have been posting my thoughts and writings on social media. Recently, I stopped sharing on social media because it just seemed like no one cared or was paying attention. One day, I got the thought to download all of my writings, from my social media platforms, and place it in a book. This book is intended to provide quick reads of thought provoking inspiration. The pages are not numbered intentionally. You should be able to flip to any page for a quick intellectual, inspirational fix. I hope it helps you as it has helped me to develop into and more centered person.