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All books using the keywords: Raederle Phoenix

Alchemy Workbook Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book is to be filled with your inner truths as you uncover them through the activities on each page. Thought-provoking exercises call upon you to get in touch with yourself as you may never have before. This book has a progression to it that dives deeper, and deeper. It is designed to take you into your subconscious, uncover your underlying beliefs, and help you put in place your own consciously-chosen beliefs. If you’re an artist you will enjoy the opportunities to fill these pages with expressive colors and doodles. If you’re a writer you will enjoy filling up these pages with your words. If you are neither, but willing to venture the use of a pen or pencil, you will savor ...
Appliance-Free 5-Minute Revitalizing Recipes – COLOR Edition Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 5 star rating(3)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Do meals seem like a compromise between what's easy and what's good for you? Not anymore! I spent most of my twenties traveling and I needed easy options that wouldn't slow me down, and they had to be gluten-free, sweetener-free, and flow with my ever-evolving knowledge of nutrition and biology. And they had to taste freaking amazing because I've always been a picky eater. Around me, everyone else chose between healthy meals taking an hour or more to produce, and eating cheap, unhealthy food. I couldn't settle for less than super fast AND super healthy. Over the years, I developed these recipes to meet my needs, and now they meet your needs too! Appliance-Free, 5-Minute, Revitalizing ...
Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!) Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 4 star rating(3)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
I originally published this book in April 2015. Now, in this print edition you get all the great content from before plus a new forward, updated prices, etc, from 2021. I've went on dozens of trips from 2010 to 2015 – California, Georgia, Vermont and even Kaua'i island. If I had a hundred dollars for each time someone asked me, “How can you afford to travel all the time?” . . . then the title of my book would be different. In 2012 I lived on $5,000. In 2014 I lived on $7,000. When I say “lived on,” I mean everything. That's even before taking the taxes out! Despite my income, my wardrobe and diet is organic. Needless to say, these little details have surprised people I know, es ...
Perspective Alchemy Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 5 star rating(3)
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Ever found yourself being a hypocrite and been angry with yourself? Ever struggle with addiction? Ever want to help your friends or clients with these issues more effectively? Perspective Alchemy is a practice used to explore and map the conscious and unconscious parts of mind. Perspective Alchemy encourages integration, emotional satisfaction, and self-knowledge. This process has some similarities with neuro-linguistic programming, voice dialogue, parts work, the completion process, shadow work, family systems therapy, and other forms of what I call consciousness alchemy as a whole. The book is a detailed guide to facilitating Perspective Alchemy successfully.
Raederle's Teeth Remineralizing Master Class Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book is filled with many people’s real life stories of how they healed their teeth, including the author's story. This book includes advice for omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans. You don’t have to subscribe to any of these dietary choices specifically to succeed, but there is different advice provided depending on your lifestyle choices. This course explains why you’re very unlikely to just “stumble into” how to heal your teeth because you have to heal the rest of your organs to a tremendous degree. The good news is that this book gives you a protocol that might just heal many of your other organs along the way. The author is not a dentist or doctor and does not claim to be. These ...
The Ultimate Nutrition Reference Raederle Phoenix
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
One out of three people are affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, according to the World Health Organization. I’d say that all people are affected by them, since it hurts us to see our loved ones suffering from constant, chronic pain. The good news is that you can eat your way out of pain. And better yet, you can do it without a limiting diet and without expensive trips to a nutritionist, doctor or other specialist. I’ve compiled nutritional data in a unique way that is particularly helpful for nutritionists creating meal plans – I have measured foods by calorie, comparing foods of like kinds. I originally made these charts for myself when I was creating nutritionally complet ...