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All books using the keywords: Ra Ali

Dear Blackwoman, Mother of Civilization, I Love You Ra Ali
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637907726
This is not a book, this is the food to fuel the energy to kick off the exodus. This is not a book, this is energy. This is love, wisdom, knowledge, history, healing, power, courage, and everything more manifested in the form of a book so the naked eye can digest and understand it. Make no mistake, this is no book. It’s filled with 25 affirming poems, accompanied with 25 iconic Black Women in history throughout the entire African Diaspora. It’s time we unite. It’s time we join hands. It’s time we lock arms. A nation can rise no higher than its women, and it’s time for us to help Black women fly through the ceiling.