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All books using the keywords: Professor. Ben Swetmore

Color Grading of the Universe Professor. Ben Swetmore
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Spiral Bound
In this release, Professor. Ben Swetmore supplies us with a very interesting scientific reading discussing the various different levels of color-grading's, or more simply visual changes, that have been occurring on the Earth for many years, as evidenced by early photo and film records. Swetmore goes deeper than that, using things such as ancient ruins, to estimate for at-least how many thousands of years these changes have been occurring. He also speculates as to whether these distinct changes are confined to the Earth and other Planets, or the entire Universe in general, and whether or not they are apart of a gradual-evolution that has been occurring since the very beginning...
The Shapes of a Multiverse Professor. Ben Swetmore
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This Book, conceived as one of the scientific-writings of Author Prof. Ben Swetmore, and undoubtedly his longest science based writing to date, explores various theories about what the structure of our universe and a potential multi-verse might look like, whilst also exploring what the dimensional plane that all of these universes may inhabit could theoretically look like. Discussing various theories to the matter along the way, Swetmore brings to us all of the most likely theories for the structure of how a multiverse might work, and how all of the universes could co-exist in the same plane of space-time.