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All books using the keywords: Pia L. King, MSW, CFSW, Psychotherapist

Own Your Money Financial Wellness Planner Pia L. King, MSW, CFSW, Psychotherapist
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
In our journey through life, each of us encounters challenges in how we navigate the complex landscape of money. It's a universal experience—we've all faced moments where our emotions and beliefs about money have impacted our ability to reach our full potential. At the Financial Wellness Planner, we understand that identifying and dismantling these obstacles is the key to unlocking your financial dreams. With a unique blend of social work, psychotherapy, and financial coaching expertise, our team is equipped to address not only the practical aspects of financial planning but also the emotional and psychological factors that influence your relationship with money. We recognize that tr ...