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All books using the keywords: Philip Renaud and M. R. Badrinarayana

Hritspandana: The Shining of The Heart - A Troubleshooting Guide for Self-Enquiry Philip Renaud and M. R. Badrinarayana
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Have you been practising Bhagawan’s technique of “Who am I?” for a long time, but failed to obtain any significant positive result? Do you, at increasingly shorter intervals, catch yourself wondering or brooding whether the absence of a positive outcome might be because you aren’t executing the method properly, or because you aren’t trying hard enough, or attributable to some other, indiscernible reason? If so – this material is for you! This little booklet is a humble attempt—by pair of serious seekers of Realisation, who have spent close to a quarter of a century studying Bhagawan’s teachings, both theoretically and implementing it in practice—to narrate the pitfalls and potholes th ...