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All books using the keywords: Nashid Adib Rashid Sr

The Constitution, Human Sovereignty, Radicals, and Sacred Scripture Nashid Adib Rashid Sr
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Bismilah Hir Rahman, Nir Rahim: with Allah’s gracious, infinite, and merciful attributes this book: The Constitution, Human Sovereignty, Radicals, and Sacred Scripture fosters what I believe and endear as the standing utility and value of the USA Constitution. It is a declaration that puts forth the principle whereby or whereon America’s form of governance and the political identity of her citizenry are based, expressed, and secured. As you encounter the efficacy of these inviolable; longstanding precedents or correlating principles in this book, your conscience will awaken, and you will notice each topic is accentuated by at least one of Allah’s impregnable attributes. As the autho ...