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All books using the keywords: Mel Shutz

Retribution Road Mel Shutz
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637905142
Lillian Lassiter, like many young women in the 1930s wants to be a movie star. Going to Hollywood, giving herself a new name and finding herself a film director/mentor, is just the beginning for the now Lilli Lange. He turns out to be a monster in a director's body. He learns that Lilli is not one to repeatedly harass. Misadventures of our would-be actress, seeking fame, happiness, and love, take us to four scenes of the crimes. A few dead bodies will be enough evidence that revenge can be assured if you mess with this miss. The author, Mel Shutz is a senior citizen, who lives in Prescott, AZ with his best pal, Crosby, the dog who thinks he's really a person in a dog costume.
Without Remorse Mel Shutz
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890901170
Lilli Lange, her many failures behind her, hopes to start anew in pre-WW2 Europe, but bad habits don’t go away easily. Revenge always seems to rise to the top of her to-do list. Constantly on the move, she has no regrets for her past actions, and try as she might, Lilli has no conscious desire to stop her murderous ways. Her itinerary takes her to Budapest, Geneva, Paris, the Greek Islands and more, where whomever she believes might be following her, can jump out of the shadows at any time and end the killings. Lilli is an achiever, a woman whose goals are never reached, who lives her life while denying a future to those she believes to be not deserving of it. Lilli Lange is a woman ...