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All books using the keywords: Matthew J. Martinez

The Sock that Went on Deployment Matthew J. Martinez
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Robin and Lila are socks who love spending every moment together. After being separated in a sea bag, Robin goes on deployment and tries to make his way back home. He visits new places and makes new friends, but he never forgets the one he left at home. When will he come back? Will Lila remember him? This personal story, made into a children’s book will bring a smile to your child’s face in knowing that “mommy” or “daddy” loves them no matter the distance. The Sock that Went on Deployment includes video chats, souvenirs, sentimental objects, places, and so much more! You and your child will find experiences to look forward to on your family’s deployment! Love overcomes distance.