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All books using the keywords: Mary Felt

Powerhouse Protection Force: Book One: The Fight Mary Felt
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
For a group that calls themselves the Powerhouse Protection Force, saving the day and their community has become routine and second nature in their everyday lives. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a crime wave, eight superheroes with situational immortality will be there to ensure everything turns out okay. However, every superhero has a weakness, and the Powerhouse Protection Force’s sworn enemy has theirs figured out. Armed with the same powers his targets wield, Hunter gets stronger with every superhero he kills, and he has big plans for the day their powers reach what he believes should be their maximum strength. As that day looms and his final attack is on the horizon, the Powerho ...