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All books using the keywords: Mary Carol Kerr & Friends

Caroling With Mary Mary Carol Kerr & Friends
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9798885675994
It was a delight to compile this book for my mother, Mary Carol Kerr. She shares the ideal that "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." My father subscribed to Tom Wolfe's philosophy, "There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves." Often, dad would wander into mom's kitchen to check how the meal was progressing. This was usually met with a "Shoo – it'll be ready soon!" Her shoo was often rebutted with kisses or cuddles, and "Mmmm… smells good." My mother, of course, knew this and often delayed mealtime in pursuit of kisses. Meals were always for sharing, ...