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All books using the keywords: Marquise L. Manns

Supervising through Rough Waters and Leading through Calm Seas Marquise L. Manns
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633181069
Congratulations on either your new opportunity or recent promotion to Team Leader or Supervisor! I have written this book specifically for you. Through my years of supervising individuals and leading teams, I have compiled a clear and concise path for your journey on your path of leadership. Your communication skills will either make or break your career and guess what? Your success or failure is all up to you! I would urge the reader to pay close attention to the 'Seven Career Killers' because either one of them, can and will, destroy your career and quickly! Wishing you nothing but success from this point forward. - Marquise
Supervising through Rough Waters and Leading through Calm Seas Marquise L. Manns
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633181069
Congratulations on your new opportunity! Leading people and directing their activities to be able to fit inside the 'big' picture, is a huge responsibility and guess what? 'You' were selected from selected from a pool of talented candidates for the opportunity. Well done! Now - let's get down to business... I have written the book exclusively for you with the hopes that, the many mistakes I've made along the way, will not be repeated by you or those in similar positions. The '7 Career Killers' are just that - career killer and I personally, was run over by a bus that unbeknownst to me, I was was the drive of. Knowing is half the battle and execution, is the other half. I would suggest ...