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All books using the keywords: Marlys J. Waters

The Vigilante of Nemaha, Iowa One Woman’s Crusade to Protect a Small Town Marlys J. Waters
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781539793618
This book is based on the actual arrest of author Marlys J. Waters on September 24, 2016 at age 71 during a verbal altercation with county law enforcement in the small town of Nemaha,Sac County, Iowa where she grew up. The circumstances are so ridiculous that Marlys had trouble controlling laughter mixed with rage while trying to explain what had happened and what the solution should be. Because there was no accident and the hazardous conditions that led to her near head-on collision were deemed legal, a Sac County Deputy Sheriff tried to close the case. Marlys disagreed to ignoring a situation that put Nemaha resident's lives in danger due to an unnecessary obstacle placed on a ...