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All books using the keywords: Marla Oliphant

Una Vida Bella - A Beautiful Life Marla Oliphant
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Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781645509677
A short autobiography/memoir summarizing and highlighting the most interesting life events of Mexican born Maria, “Marla” Luisa Elorza del Villar Suarez in 1938. Now known as Marla Oliphant, she moved from Mexico as a young girl and has lived in the United States ever since, and is now in her 80’s. But this is not your typical immigrant story. Not many realize how interesting her heritage, her struggles and her joys she would endure to get to this point. So many struggles, and so much joy, and oh so talented. A proud Mexican, and a proud American. A short-story to truly warm your heart, no matter who you are or where you come from. Excerpt; “My young life in Mexico was not withou ...