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All books using the keywords: Madame C. Ibena Asante Writer

Bite Your Tongue, Alex! Madame C. Ibena Asante Writer
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Bite Your Tongue, Alex: Think Twice” is an interactive play book for young people, under the direction of an adult leader. There is a moral decay in our society. We must begin to disinfect the ills by training our children. The concept of this playbook is to instill and reinforce character development. The writer, Madame C. Ibena Asante, a Retired Teacher, believes character development must be part of the whole person development. There was a time when Aesop Fables were used to teach critical thinking and morality to solve problems. Now our young people learn by default, often taking the wrong roads and creating a path filled with thorns. This playbook can be used for schools, c ...