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All books using the keywords: K. Thompson

I Am H.E.R. - Healing, Evolving, Restored K. Thompson
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
" I AM H. E. R., Healing, Evolving, and Restored" is an exploration of a transformative journey of faith, self-discovery, and personal growth that lies within the pursuit of authenticity. It invites readers to reflect on their journeys, encouraging them to find strength and inspiration spiritually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This story intricately weaves themes of faith, resilience, reflection, and renewal. It emphasizes that the process of healing, evolving, and being restored is not just about overcoming challenges but also about reclaiming one's true identity and finding a renewed sense of purpose. Despite life's trials, the author confronts past wounds and embrac ...