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All books using the keywords: Judy Boozer

His House: A Parable of Spiritual Intimacy Judy Boozer
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781954808003
"Those who say, don’t know. Those who know, can’t say." Such is the path of mysticism: a fine line of experienced intimacy with God and an inability to describe a knowing beyond words. Most often, we “fall into grace” by accident, when our desire for God can’t be met by continuing to do what we’ve always done, and we’ve left the beaten path with no idea where we’re going. But what if there were a third option, apart from quiet knowing or loud ignorance? What if you could walk in the feet of someone who knew the way? Put yourself in the feet of another and walk to His House. Come, discover yourself in the eyes of Love.