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All books using the keywords: John Zentmeyer

Mindset Momentum Unlocking the code to growth and profits John Zentmeyer
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
How I Find $50K - $100K in Any Business in 45 Min The purpose of this book is to walk you through a process I’ve created where I find any business a minimum of $50,000 - $100,000 in just 45 minutes. I’ll go through several simple strategies which are proven revenue-generators for any small business. Most business owners know nothing about these strategies, and therefore, are failing to capitalize on their revenue-generating power. For the purposes of this book, I’ll cover each of these strategies in individual chapters for one main reason. I want you to be able to review these strategies and minimize the amount of time it will take you to implement them in their entirety.