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All books using the keywords: John McReynolds

From the Dust John McReynolds
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A man and a woman live in perfect environment. All of their needs are totally met. They are on intimate terms with the God of the Universe, their Creator. They are perfectly matched and enjoy a totally fulfilled relationship with each other, unmarred by arguments, doubts, jealousies, or fears. What could possibly go wrong? Yet they find themselves the subject of a test, upon which pivots the future of Creation itself. And, unknowingly, they become pawns of beings whose agenda does not include their continued well-being! Relive the story of our original parents: their life, their love, their fall, their sorrows, and their joys. Witness the battles waged for their souls and their ...
Getting Started in the Christian Life John McReynolds
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
At any given moment the born-again believer is in one of two states—we are either 100% spiritual, or 100% carnal. When the believer is properly oriented to God and His plan, he is spiritual, in fellowship with God, and controlled by the Holy Spirit. He is God-centered, receiving Divine blessings, humble in spirit, and happy. When he is out of God’s will for his life, he is carnal, out of fellowship, and controlled by his old sin nature. His life is characterized by self-centeredness and Divine discipline. He is arrogant in spirit and miserable. He frantically searches for happiness but cannot find it. This book discusses how we get out of fellowship with God, how we can recognize when ...
Prayer John McReynolds
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
WHAT IS PRAYER? Very simply, prayer is the way believers communicate with God. God has had an ongoing dialogue with mankind from the very beginning. He has communicated with us through His creation, in past ages through His prophets, and more recently through His Son Jesus Christ. Today God communicates to us through His word the Bible. He has given us the means to communicate back to Him by prayer. In "Prayer - How to Talk with God" the author presents an introduction to prayer, how we should pray, how God answers prayer, and why prayers are sometimes not answered. He finishes up the book with a study of the Lord's Prayer, and how Jesus used it to teach His disciples--and us--to pray. T ...