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All books using the keywords: John Hairston

Examination of the White Paper: Politics in Masonic Research John Hairston
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780692683965
This new publication, Examination of the White Paper: Politics in Masonic Research, is an ode to Masonic research. It is a demonstration of the power of Masonic research, and a return of Truth to the forefront of the Craft. It is a clarion call for Research Societies and Grand Historians to stay the course; to remain constant in the face of jurisdictional politics that attempt to use the cable-tow to tie and bind the hands of our modern vanguards and custodians of Truth. Examination pof the White Paper is the rebuttal to the response to Landmarks of our Fathers by the MWPHGL of Massachusetts. This examination of their response will further establish the evidence that March 6, 1778 is ...
Landmarks of our Fathers: A Critical Analysis of the Start and Origin of African Lodge No. 1 John Hairston
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 7" x 10"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780692683965
Landmarks of our Fathers:The Critical Analysis of the Start and Origin of African Lodge No. 1 On March 6th, every year, for as long as can be remembered, thousands of Prince Hall Masons, Eastern Stars and Prince Hall Affiliation members around the world fly their banners and post hearty images of pride to celebrate what is called “Founders’ Day” for Prince Hall Freemasonry. March 6th, 1775 is the day the “Immortal 15” were raised as Master Masons in Irish Military Lodge No. 441 in Boston, Massachusetts. Hundreds of books and publications written on the history of Prince Hall and African Lodge No. 459, provide March 6, 1775 as the start date for “African American Freemasonry,” and July ...