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All books using the keywords: Joe Alagna

Buying Insurance Right Joe Alagna
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The Five W's of Buying Insurance Right is designed to give you the insurance buying knowledge that you'll need. It is the who, why, what, where, and when of protecting your assets (and includes some hows as an extra bonus). You'll be a more educated insurance consumer by reading this. The book includes information on car, homeowners, umbrella and life insurance. This booklet will explain and simplify the process and help you make more informed insurance decisions.
One in Two Million - Following my Father Through the Depression, WWII France, and Back Joe Alagna
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
One in Two Million This is the story of my father, Casper (Jack) Alagna, a personal memoir once removed. After my father passed, I wanted to know more about what he went through in the depression, but especially in World War Two. There were about two million soldiers who fought in France. I wanted to know where he was and what he experienced. This is that story. I originally wrote it as a family record but eventually realized that there were others wanting to understand the war in France better. Many people, like I did, have no idea of what it was like for their fathers or grandfathers in the Army during that time. I also realized that real memoirs about WWII France are very hard to ...