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All books using the keywords: Jerry Owens

Memories of The First King Jerry Owens
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637903032
Our story takes place a millennium before the rise of the Roman Empire. The author has used his knowledge and research of genealogy to create an epic historical fiction that will appeal to anyone who likes action, adventure, history, and romance, with good triumphing over evil...most of the time. Add some magic and mythical beings, and you have a fun, entertaining read that will satisfy your adventurous side, and tickle your funny bone. Our hero reminisces about the five generations of august warriors and their lives which led him to his moment in time at the birth of a new civilization and a new country. Each generation of heroes face the challenges and obstacles put in their path in a ...
Owens Family of Virginia Jerry Owens
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637903414
A substantive record of the ancestry of the Owens families of the northern neck of Virginia, from A.D. 1960 to 1178 B.C., starting with Eustace Conway Owens, then following his lineage back to Brutus Silvius, the founder and first King of Britain. The first paragraph of each chapter contains the subject’s name, other names they were known by, titles, monikers, ranks, and basic personal data when available, i.e., date of birth, place of birth, christening or baptism, date of death, place of death, date of burial, and place of burial. The story or narrative of each person begins with the second paragraph. This usually starts with information regarding the subject’s place of birth or marria ...
The Ancestry of Eustace Conway Owens Jerry Owens
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637902691
This is a substantive record of the ancestry of the Owens families of the northern neck of Virginia, A.D. 1960 to 1178 B.C. The first few chapters are specific to my family tree, starting with Eustace Conway Owens, and following his lineage back to Brutus Silvius, the founder and first King of Britain. However, if your last name is Owens or you have an Owens, Owain, Owen, Jones, Via, Flory, Diehl, Powell, Lewis, Tanner, Tudor, Ludlow, Morris, Merrick, or Meyrick in your family tree, our bloodlines may cross somewhere in this history. Each chapter is representative of a generation. Some Chapters include copies of documents, pictures, or photographs. Historians and scholars still argue tod ...