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All books using the keywords: Jasmin Forts

A Sisters Siesta Jasmin Forts
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A Sisters Siesta started as a support group for professional black women. Needing mental Rest In A Safe Place, Siesta groups were formed as a monthly platform for connecting #WOC to discuss relevant issues in workplaces and other professional settings. Every month is a different theme to tackle... this book tackles 12 themes commonly discussed in these groups. A Sisters Siesta is a tangible guide of positive guidance and practical protocol for today's working woman. Jasmin Forts works as an HR professional specifically in talent Acquisition for 15+ years. Additionally, she works as a Certified Career Coach and Resume Writer. She helps to facilitate discussions and work through exerc ...