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All books using the keywords: Janae Gamble

The Chaos Theory Janae Gamble
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6.14" x 9.21"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637908921
Becoming a parent is considered to be one of the most exciting times in a person's life.You often embark on this new adventure with great hopes and expectations about what life will be like as you raise your children. Sometimes, however, the path into parenthood can surprise you. It can feel like you are on a winding road of emotions ranging from satisfaction and joy to some not-so-pleasant feelings like anxiety and frustration. It is one that can be defined by the many adjustments you must make as you learn to understand and fulfil your role as a parent and meet your children's needs as they grow, develop, and change. Whenever you embark on something new, be it baby, job, vacation, w ...