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All books using the keywords: JOANNE L. POOL

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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781737205852
PROLOGUE The morning was cold, gray, and damp in the town of Southampton, England, as Katie stood at the dock and stared up at the gigantic cruise ship. It was springtime in 1939 and scores of people waited on the dock too excited to notice the damp dreariness of the day because they were anxiously awaiting the maiden voyage of the luxury liner, RMS Columbia. Columbia will be the largest ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The First-Class accommodations, centered in the middle of the ship, were so elegant that English royalty would be astonished. The Second Class, or Tourist Class, was just as fine and found in the stern of the ship. The Third Class, or Steerage, accommodation was s ...