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All books using the keywords: Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D.

Fissures in the Foundation: Warnings to a Straying Church Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D.
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885678377
As the state of the union in the West has deteriorated, so also has the state of the church. In his assessment of the seven churches of Asia Minor, Jesus grimly warned the church of certain systemic fissures in the foundation of their witness, which seriously dimmed their light as a beacon of truth and threatened to extinguish it altogether. Today these fissures are not only present and growing, but new ones have developed that further compromise the message of the Gospel, fissures which are sapping the strength and draining the very lifeblood of the Christian witness. The present volume addresses these fissures and urgently appeals to evangelical Christian leaders, and all those serious ...
Footsteps in the Shadows: God's Unsung Heroes Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D.
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The Bible presents a diverse cast of characters, some colorful, some dreadfully evil and some clearly heroic. Of the latter, most are lead actors in the story of redemptive history. But others appear only in cameo roles, lingering in the shadows of history and remaining unfamiliar to most believers. This book is about their crucial contributions to the biblical narrative of God's timely interventions. Their stories give undeniable evidence that God left no detail of his plan unattended, no important role unexplained, and no significant actor unnamed. It is but another dimension of God's unparalleled love that he would have us so explicitly informed of his expressed will.