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All books using the keywords: Gail Lambka

Writing Ribbons Ukrainian Pysanky Sideband Designs Gail Lambka
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Size: 8" x 10"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781006117916
Pysanky sidebands are extensively portrayed for the first time in this book by artist Gail Lambka. Over twenty artists contributed designs, both custom and classic, to build this extensive library of bands. With over 550 sidebands exhibited in full color as professionally produced, precisely detailed graphics, there is inspiration for all levels of pysankars. Learn how to reinvent existing bands so that you can develop your own unique sidebands. In addition, three full-color, double-page photo spreads of completed pysanky provide plenty of inspiration for any artist. A definitive guide on sidebands for your pysanky library.