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All books using the keywords: Fyarlance Wright

Mendenhall Cleaners...EVERYTHING! Fyarlance Wright
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
It was a typical Sunday morning. As I drove for almost an hour to a church in the small town of Mendenhall, Mississippi, my heart ached. Things have not been good lately. In fact, they’ve not been good for a while, but I’m hoping for the better. On one hand, I’m prayerful that this nightmare will soon end, and the other, I have been in the fight of my life and no one, no one could hear me as I cried for help in the wilderness because they all had scales. Something is not right. I can feel it. I can see it in the realm of the spirit, but now because I am considered an outcast, “Men of God” ignore me because they want me out. I am in the way. And, instead of them telling me point blank th ...