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All books using the keywords: Elydia Ketchens

31 Day Biblical Affirmation Devotional for Women Elydia Ketchens
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781735094267
31 Day Biblical Affirmation Devotional for Women contains thirty-one biblical affirmations and promises designed to empower and encourage you to seek a more intimate relationship with God and see yourself through His eyes. Each affirmation includes a corresponding biblical scripture, a meditation moment, and reflection question that will open your spiritual eyes to a new truer version of who you are created to be. Prepare to be transformed as the declarations shift your mindset, and affirms your identity, purpose, and position in the Kingdom. As you allow the word of God to permeate, speak the declarations boldly, with power and authority. You will be renewed spiritually and empowered ...
Prayer Closet: A Mother's Prayers for Our Children Elydia Ketchens
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781735094205
Real prayers for real times. Prayer Closet is one mother's answer to the issues and concerns our children face today. Filled with personal stories, prayers and experiences, this book will guide you as you build a stronger relationship with God and your children, through prayer. Elydia Ketchen's transparency in the mistakes she made along her own journey as a mother is on display as she sets out to prevent other parents from repeating them. Touching on aspects of adolescent life such as self-confidence, online influence, education and even sensitive topics like sex, she shares her life lessons and the wisdom and prayers that got her through. Prayer Closet leaves no issue unaddressed while ...