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All books using the keywords: Elizabeth C. (Betsy) Tice Co-Author Orvil (Ty) Tice

EYEWITNESS TO HIS MAJESTY - Second Edition Elizabeth C. (Betsy) Tice Co-Author Orvil (Ty) Tice
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890902856
This book was a combined effort of Elizabeth C. (Betsy) Tice and O.L. (Ty) Tice reflecting on their 49 years of ministry and the wonders of His Majesty along the way. In this 52 week devotional we share His Love, Mercy, and Grace. We draw from two previous published works: "Counseling through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit" by Bishop O.L. (Ty) Tice and "Living Life In Your Parallel Universe" by Elizabeth C (Betsy) Tice. As you read this book, our prayer is that you will see that "He is No Respecter of Persons." We have found in many cases Hw will use the smallest, least, and even the foolish to confound the wise. In this we give Him (Jesus Christ) all the glory, honor, and praise.