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All books using the keywords: EMSKYJí

Brainless Best EMSKYJí
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.06" x 7.81"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Every eye that gives a glance can sound like violins, and every breath you're yet to take can sound just like the wind" "Blind to the end, aware of the start, filled with absolutely nothing...except your heart" "Know it never ends, there is no point to reach, there is endless to find, endless to change from fearful uncertainty into absolute knowing which disappears the instant it comes in with a new limit found that eventually is pushed beyond" 3 lines from 10 various length writings, Foreword: Well infinity's real so… I had to start somewhere. If you read it all and wonder if there will be anymore, remember; it's just the start, all the years it took to get here only ex ...