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All books using the keywords: Dr. Donna Risolo

Teen Talk Dr. Donna Risolo
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633184152
Strict? Lenient? Laid-back? or Tiger Mom? -- Searching hopelessly for the right approach to raising teenagers in today's world? Dr. Donna can help! Using her essential steps and foundational principles, you will start to reconnect with your teen in a way you could only imagine possible. Where there was once conflict, avoidance or disrespect, you will experience joy, connectedness and mutual trust. Dr. Donna is an educator, consultant and researcher who has worked with adolescents and their parents for more than twenty-five years. During that time she observed hundreds of teen-parent interactions and concluded that the success of each of those relationships hinged less on how the ...