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All books using the keywords: Dick Tibbits

Forgive To Live Dick Tibbits
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885675468
We either become overwhelmed by life's difficulties or we become strengthened by life's hardest lessons. The difference is found in one's ability to forgive. Dr. Dick Tibbits shows you how forgiveness can effectively reduce your anger, improve your health and put you in charge of your life again, no matter how deep your hurt. Everyone has a "grievance story" - we've all been hurt or rejected by someone who mattered to us. Too often, that damage leads to negative emotions - such as anger or depression - that linger for years. Unfortunately, while most of us have been told to forgive, Dr. Dick Tibbits explains how to forgive in a very practical way that all can understand and successful ...