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All books using the keywords: Diane Jones

The Abundance Journal for The Balanced Woman Diane Jones
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The truth is money is energy - which means money has frequency. But thanks to subconscious blocks, fears and limiting beliefs around what money is or means to us, we're not always the same frequency as money and therefore, it's always showing up in our lives the way we'd like it to. The good news? There are ways to actively raise your frequency to attract & make yourself available for more abundance. And one of the best ways is through a regular abundance journaling practice! Abundance journaling can help with all of that. So, if you're ready to.. - Let go of your "money stuff" for good - Attract (rather than desperately chase after) ready, eager clients - Start being, doin ...
You Are Enough, Plans for Manifesting Everything You Want This Year Diane Jones
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8" x 10"
Binding: Spiral Bound
2021 Empowering & Affirming Planner that reminds you that You Are Enough! It gently reminds you monthly with affirmations and other prompts affirming your worth. It challenges you to keep You at the top of your agenda and to write Love Notes to yourself monthly.