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All books using the keywords: Dennis Feucht

Circuit Dynamics: Design-Oriented Analysis Dennis Feucht
Books with a 0 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This 86-page book presents basic and advanced concepts in circuit dynamics - the circuit theory of frequency response, risetime, bandwidth, open-circuit time constants, Miller's frequency-dependent theorem, the Extra Element Theorem (EET), ZEET, Blackman's Z Theorem, the Cochrun-Grabel method for finding circuit poles, strategies for maximizing circuit performance involving stage isolation and pole separation, and the ability to analyze amplifiers by modularizing and controlling stage interfacing. It supplies derivations and more detail than the author's book, Transistor Amplifiers. It corrects some popular misconceptions about calculating bandwidth, fills in neglected high-frequenc ...