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All books using the keywords: David G. Chaston

The Touchstone David G. Chaston
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
When Captain James Crowley's fiancé, the Contessa Valleria de la Montefeltro, is kidnapped with hours of their meeting by a giant demon, he learns it is a part of an family curse dating back to the Elizabethan School of Night. He must return to a magic he’s long foresworn. He enlists the aid of a beautiful demoness, a diminutive fairy who says she is definitely NOT his fairy godmother, a Celtic scholar more at home with two-fisted fighting, and other friends in an attempt to rescue her. Those actions will take them across time and space as ancient beings walk the Earth again and demon armies mass in a conflict that threatens his world and could tear the Aetherial Planes apart. The ke ...