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All books using the keywords: DR. BERNARD MARKS

Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Accessing The Spiritual Strength of God" As I received insight from the Holy Spirit, I was unctioned to write this book. As you read it, you will learn how to apply God's word to your life and receive His blessings. These chapters will aid in your refusal to remain in the state of sadness or depression due to traumatic experiences and extenuating circumstances. You are admonished to choose Joy, so that your life may be better and therefore, experience Ever Increasing Joy! JOY IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
In “Messages,” Dr. Bernard Marks encourages and empowers the reader with divine messages, inspired by God. ”Throughout travels either by car or flight I have been fortunate to hear and be instructed by the Holy Spirit . Graced with the opportunity to bask in God’s presence, it humbled me as I bowed before his majestic glory.” Intimate times of prayer coupled with fasting produced powerful Insight to pen selected scriptures and previous revelatory thoughts . In times of uncertainty we need clear and concise direction that will carry us onward and upward. For those with issues such as mental health ,spiritual health ,and physical health, I submit to you an aid to help bett ...