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All books using the keywords: Charles Durrett, Joanna Winter & Florence Arafiles

Finding a Site: Cohousing From the Ground Up Charles Durrett, Joanna Winter & Florence Arafiles
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780945929017
Cohousing groups often struggle for years until they find a site and gain the momentum they need to become a bricks-and-mortar cohousing community. For years, would-be cohousers have been asking McCamant & Durrett for this book on how to find, assess, secure and purchase a great site for cohousing. The book gives cohousing groups (as well other groups like non-profit housing developers and ecovillage founders) the benefit of McCamant & Durrett's twenty-five years of experience developing cohousing, as well as the experience of a long-time site acquisitions manager for a major capital investment firm.