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All books using the keywords: Chad Salyer

X - the last generation of old fashioned values Chad Salyer
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 0000113121987
Their has been a rapid decline in the values that were distilled in my generation simply known as generation X. All the nostalgia that made our childhood fun is now being eradicated by a generation of soft, undisciplined and unhinged teens that have adopted self entitlement, woke ideology and the refusal to roll up their sleeves and do an honest days work. Further , today's society is removing the morals and values that our founding fathers distilled into previous generations including my generation that made us honest and loyal. The nuclear family model was part of my generation along with old fashioned values distilled in us by our parents and grandparents. If we as Generation X do not ...