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All books using the keywords: Carlos R. Fredes, Nmd

Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Learn about a Science that our entire Humanity depends of it, day and night, forever. Learn of a Science that have silently been saving Humanity at large, and for a very long time already. Learn of a Science that kills Virus, any of them, Bacteria, and Fungus, and that does it simultaneously and instantaneously. Safe for Man, and its animals. All of the above statements are the proceeds of more than 50 years of combined Scientific Research & Development reported from around the World about CHLORINE DIOXIDE GAS. Learn also with what, and how to fumigate and disinfect the very AIR, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY BREATHE! Essentially, how to therapeutically, and scientifically protect Man and its anim ...
ALMANAK 30 Stories Carlos R. Fredes, Nmd
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
How you imagine what we will be in some thousand years from now, it is a path which many of us are not prepared to imagine it right now. For many the future is on the hands of the "paper boy", for now. Many others will assume that one needs certain "characteristics" to engage in visionary experiences. Incensed experiences they must be for the magestuosity of the idea that is. To look at the future with an altered crystal, and were open madness, for now, it is the only way to conceive, it is fully acceptable, it is your imagination. Only now you will know what the Eternal Infinite is all about. Inevitably you already know that your make-up is star dust, divinely pounded together. But you ...