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All books using the keywords: Bob Rasmussen

Horseshoe Pitching With Precision Bob Rasmussen
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781620305690
"Horseshoe Pitching With Precision", is devoted to the sport of horseshoe pitching. The book is divided into 3 distinct sections. Section 0 is devoted to the beginning horseshoe pitcher. It starts with learning the basics, rules, pit construction, and pitching styles. It follows with, practice equipment, horseshoes, accessories, score keeping, sanctioned tournaments, and more. Section 1 describes 3 unique methods of pitching horseshoes based on geometric principles. The motto is, "You can't determine what you've done wrong, unless you know what you've done right". The techniques will allow you to quickly correct problems. It covers the Pendulum Swing, Visual Alignment Point, Line of Flig ...