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All books using the keywords: Authors: Kohl Family Jenny, Shawn, Mattie, Emma, Phoebe, Greta

Volume II Ancestors of Hilda Bridget Cotter Kohl Maternal Line Authors: Kohl Family Jenny, Shawn, Mattie, Emma, Phoebe, Greta
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Volume II of The Ancestors of Hilda Bridget Cotter Kohl covers the maternal line of Hilda. Many of Hilda’s ancestors were instrumental in building the foundation of the United States of America. They immigrated as early as the 1700s and were church leaders, politicians, farmers, and revolutionaries. Hilda stems from a very long line of immigrants who braved the New World for a better life for their families. And if Hilda is any indication, they succeeded remarkably well.