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All books using the keywords: Anthony W. Thomas, Gary J. Steck, Luc L. Leblanc, & Bruce D. Sutton

The horse flies, deer flies, and yellow flies of Florida (Diptera: Tabanidae): A checklist and illustrated keys Anthony W. Thomas, Gary J. Steck, Luc L. Leblanc, & Bruce D. Sutton
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A current checklist of the species of Tabanidae known to occur and possibly occurring in Florida includes three subfamilies with the following genera. Pangoniinae: Asaphomyia Stone. Chrysopsinae: Merycomia Hine; Chrysops Meigen. Tabaninae: Agkistrocerus Philip; Anacimas Enderlein; Chlorotabanus Lutz; Diachlorus Osten Sacken; Haematopota Meigen; Hamatabanus Philip; Hybomitra Enderlein; Leucotabanus Lutz; Microtabanus Fairchild; Stenotabanus (Aegialomyia) Philip; Tabanus Linnaeus; Whitneyomyia Bequaert. Illustrated keys for females are provided to subfamilies, genera, and species of each genus. Individual species pages usually show four views of each taxon: dorsal habitus, lateral habitus, ...